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2ND WEEK (MONDAY) Monday, January 10, 2011 / 2:59 AM
We just had the greatest news today :D
Brandon is back to 2N1 :DDDDD (Y)
He was transfered to 2N2 then transfered back :D
Today was okay all the classes was not really boring. I missed school last friday :|
So,I have to do last friday's homework today. They had three days to do it I only had one .__.

Assembly was fucking boring. I almost slept during the talk. Talked about weird stuff during recess.

Not really many things happened today :/


New Year Resolutions :D Sunday, January 2, 2011 / 10:15 AM
It weird why I'm still awake at this time but I usually sleep late during the school holidays. But that's gonna be over now because of school is just a day away and I have not finish my homework .__.

Okay,so here's my resolutions:

-Get Taller (like 156cm)
-Become thinner (stop temping me FOOD!)
-Be more Friendly(:
-Become less awkard
-Get a job (june holidays 2011)
-Be more obedient to my parents
-Save money $$$

Well,thats all for now. I gonna sleep now and dream about:
Sorry about the fangirl-ing :P
I'm so ready for school! NOT!


HELLO :D Thursday, December 30, 2010 / 4:12 AM

Hmm,Well I haven't posted in A VERY LONG TIME. I have replace my blog for my tumblr :P But I decide to post again. Maybe because I'm gonna start school again which means DRAMA from AWESOME BITCHES! So I need to let my feelings go on this blog :D I'm currently wait for KBS GAYO DAEJUN. My brain is currently chanting: JUNHYUNGKIKWANGDOOJOON. m/
Got a BEAST fever this morning because of one person tumblr :D OKAY... I better stop my inner fangirl. I have gain weight during the holidays. I usually do is EAT.SLEEP.TUMBLR.WATCHKPOPSHOWS.

Yeah... SO,I would not be suprised about my weight. So,that would be all for today. Im just gonna update tomorrow.

BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

:D Saturday, October 23, 2010 / 2:30 AM

Okay,so I haven't update for a LOOOONGG TIME. Sorry about that I have been CRAZY about tumblr recently. So,this blog is kinda dead. HEHE.

SO,yesterday which was a Friday had catholic fellowship. We cleaned the prayer room (VERY DIRTY) and hanged the cranes at the foyer. Which was kinda gio's as he had to go back and fort with the ladder. HAHA. After that teacher treat us food she gave us $50 for our food :D THANK YOU!! Too bad Triscia wasn't there. Walked to inter with Aevorie,Nicole,Patricia,Gio,James and Tasha (or was it Tessa? sorry Im not sure :P) Before walking to the inter we bought japanese ice cream the picture above.

Just one more week till HOLIDAYS. BUT im not so excited because im gonna rot at home. Maybe going out but idk when yet. Thats it for I will try to Update this blog as much as I can(:

#45 Friday, October 1, 2010 / 7:59 AM
UHH..EOY has started. Mom was kind enough to let me use computer today :>
English paper 1 and History are both done.
Just another 2weeks to go a then FREEDOM.

This post is gonna be short as have nothing much to talk about. Gonna post again after EOY.
Good Luck to the other people who are having end of the year exams too. JY.

TUMBLR Saturday, September 25, 2010 / 2:47 AM
Hello again,
I have been VERY busy because of the upcoming exams. Its EOY exams to be exact. Im currently using tumblr too. So you could follow me at:
Their is no photo today cause im using my itouch. I cant upload pictures via itouch):
Im too LAZY to say what happened this week. Monday to thursday was awesome. Friday was okay. I was just pissed off abt smth... BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

DEAD BLOG Friday, September 24, 2010 / 5:59 AM
HELLO, LONNNNGGG time i never update BUSY.
Hahas. Going update later or tmr. Too lazy to do now.hehe BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Love you, know I’ll fight for you
I left the porch light on for you
Photobucket HELLO Im a teenager named JamilaCaburnay. Born on the 13th of april. Currently living at Singapore :>